IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 November
SGI IRIX 6.5 Applications 2002 November.iso
Text File
1,000 lines
#VRML V2.0 utf8 CosmoWorlds V1.0
Group {
children Group {
children [
DEF TimeSensor_gullswim-TIMER TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 2.867
loop TRUE
startTime 1
DEF TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT Script {
eventOut SFFloat fractionOut
eventIn SFFloat fractionIn
url "javascript:
function fractionIn(i) {
fractionOut = 0.9773 * i + 0.02273;
DEF Seagull_Wake-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_Wake-TIMER TimeSensor {
cycleInterval 2.933
loop FALSE
DEF Seagull_Wake-POS-INTERP PositionInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
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-0.609 0.125 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.1749 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.2171 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.2442 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.2485 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.2282 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.1902 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.142 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.09128 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.04564 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.01268 -0.1034,
-0.609 0.001503 -0.1034 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0 0 0
emissiveColor 0.007843 0.3922 0.6157
shininess 0
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_Wake-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_Wake-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0.4789 0 0.1587,
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0.0002296 0 0.9222,
0 0 0.2742,
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0.0205 0 1.298,
0.8532 0 0.0152,
1.643 0 -0.2488,
-1.736 0 -0.184,
0.02957 0 1.537,
0.6059 0 -2.16,
-0.7499 0 -2.121,
-1.12 0 -3.384,
1.051 0 -3.422,
1.291 -0.4378 -1.615,
0.02957 -0.4378 1.537,
-1.372 -0.4378 -1.566,
-1.12 -0.4249 -3.384,
1.051 -0.4249 -3.422,
0.3244 0 -1.224,
-0.05201 0 -3.066 ]
color Color {
color [ 0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.3373 0.7569 1,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157,
0.007843 0.3922 0.6157 ]
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20, 11, 21, -1, 13, 12, 21, -1,
12, 1, 21, -1 ]
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1, 2, 4, -1, 2, 3, 4, -1,
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5, 6, 2, -1, 3, 6, 0, -1,
7, 14, 11, -1, 8, 7, 10, -1,
6, 5, 10, -1, 9, 5, 13, -1,
5, 12, 13, -1, 14, 7, 8, -1,
10, 9, 17, -1, 17, 16, 10, -1,
8, 10, 16, -1, 16, 15, 8, -1,
9, 13, 17, -1, 14, 8, 15, -1,
12, 2, 1, -1, 20, 0, 11, -1,
21, 1, 20, -1, 13, 21, 14, -1,
21, 11, 14, -1, 18, 13, 14, -1,
14, 19, 18, -1, 18, 17, 13, -1,
19, 14, 15, -1, 0, 20, 4, -1,
20, 11, 21, -1, 13, 12, 21, -1,
12, 1, 21, -1 ]
colorPerVertex TRUE
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
DEF Seagull-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull-POS-INTERP PositionInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -0.01265 0.06479 0.0434,
-0.008224 0.06479 0.04328,
0.0003215 0.06479 0.04321,
0.007576 0.06479 0.04332,
0.01064 0.06479 0.04342,
0.006287 0.06479 0.04329,
-0.002903 0.06479 0.04321,
-0.01112 0.06479 0.04335,
-0.01086 0.06479 0.04334,
-0.002527 0.06479 0.04321,
0.005481 0.06479 0.04328,
0.01026 0.06479 0.0434,
0.008561 0.06479 0.04335,
0.0003394 0.06479 0.04321,
-0.00885 0.06479 0.04329,
-0.01265 0.06479 0.0434 ]
DEF Seagull-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
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-0.999848 -0.0116806 -0.0129706 1.676,
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-0.999889 -0.00997589 -0.0110799 1.676,
-0.999995 0.00213699 0.00237399 1.676,
-0.999812 0.0129702 0.0144102 1.676,
-0.999822 0.0126203 0.0140203 1.676,
-0.999997 0.001641 0.00182299 1.676,
-0.999911 -0.0089131 -0.00989911 1.676,
-0.999741 -0.0152206 -0.0169007 1.676,
-0.999812 -0.0129702 -0.0144102 1.676,
-0.999995 -0.00213699 -0.00237299 1.676,
-0.999889 0.00997589 0.0110799 1.676,
-0.999749 0.0149807 0.0166408 1.676 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 1 1
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 3.719 0,
0 2.63 -2.63,
-1.859 2.63 -1.859,
-2.63 2.63 0,
-1.859 2.63 1.859,
0 2.63 2.63,
1.859 2.63 1.859,
2.63 2.63 0,
1.859 2.63 -1.859,
0 0 -3.719,
-2.63 0 -2.63,
-3.719 0 0,
-2.63 0 2.63,
0 0 3.719,
2.63 0 2.63,
3.719 0 0,
2.63 0 -2.63,
0 -2.63 -2.63,
-1.859 -2.63 -1.859,
-2.63 -2.63 0,
-1.859 -2.63 1.859,
0 -2.63 2.63,
1.859 -2.63 1.859,
2.63 -2.63 0,
1.859 -2.63 -1.859,
0 -3.719 0 ]
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0, 3, 4, -1, 0, 4, 5, -1,
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1, 9, 10, -1, 1, 10, 2, -1,
2, 10, 11, -1, 2, 11, 3, -1,
3, 11, 12, -1, 3, 12, 4, -1,
4, 12, 13, -1, 4, 13, 5, -1,
5, 13, 14, -1, 5, 14, 6, -1,
6, 14, 15, -1, 6, 15, 7, -1,
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9, 17, 18, -1, 9, 18, 10, -1,
10, 18, 19, -1, 10, 19, 11, -1,
11, 19, 20, -1, 11, 20, 12, -1,
12, 20, 21, -1, 12, 21, 13, -1,
13, 21, 22, -1, 13, 22, 14, -1,
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25, 18, 17, -1, 25, 19, 18, -1,
25, 20, 19, -1, 25, 21, 20, -1,
25, 22, 21, -1, 25, 23, 22, -1,
25, 24, 23, -1, 25, 17, 24, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
DEF Dummy_Seagull_Thigh_L-ROOT Transform {
children DEF Seagull_Thigh_L-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_Thigh_L-POS-INTERP PositionInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -1.832 0.4286 0.2694,
-1.823 0.4286 0.3345,
-1.825 0.4286 0.325,
-1.839 0.4286 0.08741,
-1.821 0.4286 -0.08178,
-1.834 0.4286 0.01766,
-1.84 0.4286 0.1317,
-1.835 0.4286 0.2389,
-1.826 0.4286 0.3179,
-1.821 0.4286 0.3487,
-1.839 0.4286 0.1795,
-1.825 0.4286 -0.05814,
-1.83 0.4286 -0.01815,
-1.839 0.4286 0.09338,
-1.837 0.4286 0.2052,
-1.832 0.4286 0.2694 ]
DEF Seagull_Thigh_L-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -0.555013 -0.555013 0.619614 2.032,
-0.543314 -0.543314 0.640016 2.003,
-0.54509 -0.54509 0.636988 2.007,
-0.584362 -0.584362 0.563064 2.116,
-0.608107 -0.608107 0.510306 2.198,
-0.594508 -0.594508 0.541407 2.149,
-0.577617 -0.577617 0.576817 2.095,
-0.560236 -0.560236 0.61014 2.046,
-0.546379 -0.546379 0.634776 2.01,
-0.54071 -0.54071 0.644411 1.997,
-0.570095 -0.570095 0.591594 2.073,
-0.604981 -0.604981 0.517684 2.186,
-0.599526 -0.599526 0.530223 2.167,
-0.583484 -0.583484 0.564884 2.113,
-0.565865 -0.565865 0.599662 2.061,
-0.555013 -0.555013 0.619614 2.032 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 1 1
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_Thigh_L-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_Thigh_L-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 2.261 0,
0 1.599 -1.599,
-1.131 1.599 -1.131,
-1.599 1.599 0,
-1.131 1.599 1.131,
0 1.599 1.599,
1.131 1.599 1.131,
1.599 1.599 0,
1.131 1.599 -1.131,
0 0 -2.261,
-1.599 0 -1.599,
-2.261 0 0,
-1.599 0 1.599,
0 0 2.261,
1.599 0 1.599,
2.261 0 0,
1.599 0 -1.599,
0 -1.599 -1.599,
-1.131 -1.599 -1.131,
-1.599 -1.599 0,
-1.131 -1.599 1.131,
0 -1.599 1.599,
1.131 -1.599 1.131,
1.599 -1.599 0,
1.131 -1.599 -1.131,
0 -2.261 0 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 1, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1,
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0, 5, 6, -1, 0, 6, 7, -1,
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1, 9, 10, -1, 1, 10, 2, -1,
2, 10, 11, -1, 2, 11, 3, -1,
3, 11, 12, -1, 3, 12, 4, -1,
4, 12, 13, -1, 4, 13, 5, -1,
5, 13, 14, -1, 5, 14, 6, -1,
6, 14, 15, -1, 6, 15, 7, -1,
7, 15, 16, -1, 7, 16, 8, -1,
8, 16, 9, -1, 8, 9, 1, -1,
9, 17, 18, -1, 9, 18, 10, -1,
10, 18, 19, -1, 10, 19, 11, -1,
11, 19, 20, -1, 11, 20, 12, -1,
12, 20, 21, -1, 12, 21, 13, -1,
13, 21, 22, -1, 13, 22, 14, -1,
14, 22, 23, -1, 14, 23, 15, -1,
15, 23, 24, -1, 15, 24, 16, -1,
16, 24, 17, -1, 16, 17, 9, -1,
25, 18, 17, -1, 25, 19, 18, -1,
25, 20, 19, -1, 25, 21, 20, -1,
25, 22, 21, -1, 25, 23, 22, -1,
25, 24, 23, -1, 25, 17, 24, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
DEF Dummy_Seagull_Leg_L-ROOT Transform {
children DEF Seagull_leg_L-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_leg_L-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ 0.346396 0.346396 0.871791 1.708,
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0.319204 0.319204 0.89231 1.685,
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-0.698638 -0.698638 -0.154308 3.448,
-0.69702 -0.69702 -0.168305 3.475,
-0.664392 -0.664392 -0.342296 3.801,
0.458866 0.458866 0.760844 1.841,
0.286594 0.286594 0.914181 1.66,
0.270093 0.270093 0.924175 1.65,
0.543872 0.543872 0.639067 2.004,
-0.693279 -0.693279 -0.196794 3.53,
-0.69523 -0.69523 -0.182508 3.503,
-0.660403 -0.660403 -0.357402 3.828,
0.492572 0.492572 0.717458 1.897,
0.346396 0.346396 0.871791 1.708 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 0.9176 0
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_leg_L-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_leg_L-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 0 0,
0.3363 0 0,
0.1682 0 -0.2913,
-0.1682 0 -0.2913,
-0.3363 0 0,
-0.1682 0 0.2913,
0.1682 0 0.2913,
0.3363 3.878 0,
0.1682 3.878 -0.2913,
-0.1682 3.878 -0.2913,
-0.3363 3.878 0,
-0.1682 3.878 0.2913,
0.1682 3.878 0.2913,
0 3.878 0 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 2, 1, -1, 0, 3, 2, -1,
0, 4, 3, -1, 0, 5, 4, -1,
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2, 9, 8, -1, 2, 3, 9, -1,
3, 10, 9, -1, 3, 4, 10, -1,
4, 11, 10, -1, 4, 5, 11, -1,
5, 12, 11, -1, 5, 6, 12, -1,
6, 7, 12, -1, 6, 1, 7, -1,
13, 7, 8, -1, 13, 8, 9, -1,
13, 9, 10, -1, 13, 10, 11, -1,
13, 11, 12, -1, 13, 12, 7, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
DEF Seagull_heel_L-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_heel_L-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -1 0 0 1.287,
-1 0 0 1.399,
-1 0 0 1.963,
-1 0 0 3.41,
-1 0 0 3.83,
-1 0 0 2.286,
-1 0 0 1.508,
-1 0 0 1.3,
-1 0 0 1.338,
-1 0 0 1.586,
-1 0 0 3.119,
-1 0 0 3.779,
-1 0 0 2.779,
-1 0 0 1.638,
-1 0 0 1.34,
-1 0 0 1.287 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 0.9176 0
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_heel_L-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_heel_L-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 0.48 0,
0 0.24 -0.4157,
-0.36 0.24 -0.2078,
-0.36 0.24 0.2078,
0 0.24 0.4157,
0.36 0.24 0.2078,
0.36 0.24 -0.2078,
0 -0.24 -0.4157,
-0.36 -0.24 -0.2078,
-0.36 -0.24 0.2078,
0 -0.24 0.4157,
0.36 -0.24 0.2078,
0.36 -0.24 -0.2078,
0 -0.48 0 ]
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2, 8, 9, -1, 2, 9, 3, -1,
3, 9, 10, -1, 3, 10, 4, -1,
4, 10, 11, -1, 4, 11, 5, -1,
5, 11, 12, -1, 5, 12, 6, -1,
6, 12, 7, -1, 6, 7, 1, -1,
13, 8, 7, -1, 13, 9, 8, -1,
13, 10, 9, -1, 13, 11, 10, -1,
13, 12, 11, -1, 13, 7, 12, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
DEF Seagull_foot_LR-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0.8784 0.7765 0.3412
geometry DEF Seagull_foot_LR-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_foot_LR-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 3.476 0,
0.003385 0.6796 0,
1.499 0.6796 0,
0 3.45 -0.4106,
0.624 0.925 -0.02917 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 1, -1,
0, 4, 2, -1, 3, 2, 4, -1,
4, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 1, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation 0.00778 -0.5223 5.095
rotation -0.99627 -0.066098 0.0554783 1.433
scale 1.5 1.526 1.474
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.632
DEF Seagull_foot_LL-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0.8784 0.7765 0.3412
geometry DEF Seagull_foot_LL-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_foot_LL-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 1.493 3.476 0,
0.003385 0.6796 0,
1.497 0.6939 -0.07582,
1.518 3.467 -0.4058,
0.7503 0.9574 -0.02974 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 4, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1,
3, 1, 0, -1, 3, 2, 4, -1,
4, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 1, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation -2.201 -0.08551 5.213
rotation -0.991214 0.101301 -0.0850512 1.438
scale 1.5 1.526 1.474
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.632
translation -0.01118 4.034 -0.01929
rotation -1 0 0 1.287
scale 1 1.018 0.9826
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.773
translation -0.05102 0.007231 -0.02075
rotation 0.346396 0.346396 0.871791 1.708
scale 1 0.9826 1.018
scaleOrientation -1 0 0 0.2494
translation -0.4286 -1.131 1.712
rotation -0.57735 -0.57735 0.57735 4.189
scale 0.5882 1 1
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.030092
translation -1.832 0.4286 0.2694
rotation -0.555013 -0.555013 0.619614 2.032
scale 1 1 1.7
scaleOrientation 0 0 -1 0.0668495
translation -1.857 0.4801 1.367
rotation 0.0522582 0.0522582 -0.997265 1.574
scale 0.4132 0.6494 1
scaleOrientation 0 -1 0 0.1047
DEF Dummy_Seagull_Thigh_R-ROOT Transform {
children DEF Seagull_Thigh_R-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_Thigh_R-POS-INTERP PositionInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -1.824 -0.136 -0.06297,
-1.83 -0.136 -0.02197,
-1.839 -0.136 0.09238,
-1.837 -0.136 0.2071,
-1.829 -0.136 0.3001,
-1.821 -0.136 0.3503,
-1.833 -0.136 0.267,
-1.833 -0.136 -0.0001516,
-1.825 -0.136 -0.05621,
-1.837 -0.136 0.05313,
-1.839 -0.136 0.1702,
-1.832 -0.136 0.2728,
-1.823 -0.136 0.3396,
-1.824 -0.136 0.3298,
-1.839 -0.136 0.08625,
-1.824 -0.136 -0.06297 ]
DEF Seagull_Thigh_R-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -0.604981 -0.604981 0.517684 2.186,
-0.599526 -0.599526 0.530223 2.167,
-0.583484 -0.583484 0.564884 2.113,
-0.565865 -0.565865 0.599662 2.061,
-0.550322 -0.550322 0.627926 2.02,
-0.541383 -0.541383 0.64328 1.998,
-0.55598 -0.55598 0.617878 2.035,
-0.596595 -0.596595 0.536795 2.156,
-0.60408 -0.60408 0.519783 2.183,
-0.589133 -0.589133 0.553031 2.131,
-0.571696 -0.571696 0.588496 2.078,
-0.555013 -0.555013 0.619614 2.032,
-0.543314 -0.543314 0.640016 2.003,
-0.54509 -0.54509 0.636988 2.007,
-0.584362 -0.584362 0.563064 2.116,
-0.604981 -0.604981 0.517684 2.186 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 1 1
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry USE Seagull_Thigh_L-FACES
DEF Dummy_Seagull_Leg_R-ROOT Transform {
children DEF Seagull_leg_R-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_leg_R-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -0.693279 -0.693279 -0.196794 3.53,
-0.69523 -0.69523 -0.182508 3.503,
-0.660403 -0.660403 -0.357402 3.828,
0.492572 0.492572 0.717458 1.897,
0.3038 0.3038 0.903001 1.673,
0.270203 0.270203 0.924111 1.65,
0.429886 0.429886 0.793975 1.8,
-0.672729 -0.672729 -0.308013 3.739,
-0.698616 -0.698616 -0.154504 3.448,
-0.69332 -0.69332 -0.196506 3.53,
-0.623085 -0.623085 -0.472789 4.025,
0.377005 0.377005 0.846011 1.737,
0.273492 0.273492 0.922174 1.652,
0.319204 0.319204 0.89231 1.685,
-0.626196 -0.626196 -0.464497 4.011,
-0.693279 -0.693279 -0.196794 3.53 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 0.9176 0
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry USE Seagull_leg_L-FACES
DEF Seagull_heel_R-ROOT Transform {
children [
DEF Seagull_heel_R-ROT-INTERP OrientationInterpolator {
key [ 0, 0.06818, 0.1364, 0.2045,
0.2727, 0.3409, 0.4091, 0.4773,
0.5455, 0.6136, 0.6818, 0.75,
0.8182, 0.8864, 0.9545, 1 ]
keyValue [ -1 0 0 3.79,
-1 0 0 2.777,
-1 0 0 1.638,
-1 0 0 1.353,
-1 0 0 1.329,
-1 0 0 1.529,
-1 0 0 2.683,
-1 0 0 3.672,
-1 0 0 3.297,
-1 0 0 1.882,
-1 0 0 1.417,
-1 0 0 1.31,
-1 0 0 1.44,
-1 0 0 2.028,
-1 0 0 3.475,
-1 0 0 3.79 ]
Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 0.9176 0
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry USE Seagull_heel_L-FACES
DEF Seagull_foot_RR-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0.8784 0.7765 0.3412
geometry DEF Seagull_foot_RR-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_foot_RR-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 3.476 0,
0.003385 0.6796 0,
1.499 0.6796 0,
0 3.45 -0.4106,
0.624 0.925 -0.02917 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 2, 3, -1, 0, 3, 1, -1,
0, 4, 2, -1, 3, 2, 4, -1,
4, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 1, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation -0.02591 -0.6629 4.973
rotation -0.981125 -0.149704 0.122403 1.422
scale 1.5 1.526 1.474
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.6058
DEF Seagull_foot_RL-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 0.8784 0.7765 0.3412
geometry DEF Seagull_foot_RL-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_foot_RL-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 1.493 3.476 0,
0.003385 0.6796 0,
1.497 0.6939 -0.07582,
1.518 3.467 -0.4058,
0.7503 0.9574 -0.02974 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 4, 2, -1, 0, 2, 3, -1,
3, 1, 0, -1, 3, 2, 4, -1,
4, 0, 1, -1, 3, 4, 1, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation -2.228 -0.1134 5.082
rotation -0.989385 0.111298 -0.0934386 1.44
scale 1.5 1.526 1.474
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.632
translation 0.01347 4.034 0.001056
rotation -1 0 0 3.79
scale 1 1.018 0.9826
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.773
translation 0.03961 -0.02924 0.02399
rotation -0.693279 -0.693279 -0.196794 3.53
scale 1 0.9826 1.018
scaleOrientation -1 0 0 0.2494
translation 0.136 -1.131 1.712
rotation 0.57735 0.57735 -0.57735 2.094
scale 0.5882 1 1
scaleOrientation 1 0 0 0.0334468
translation -1.824 -0.136 -0.06297
rotation -0.604981 -0.604981 0.517684 2.186
scale 1 1 1.7
scaleOrientation -1.597e-05 0 -1 0.00539324
translation 1.639 0.4801 1.367
rotation 0.0522582 0.0522582 -0.997265 1.574
scale 0.4132 0.6494 1
scaleOrientation 0 -1 0 0.1047
DEF Dummy_Seagull_Tail-ROOT Transform {
children DEF Seagull_tail-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 1 1
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_tail-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_tail-COORD Coordinate {
point [ -0.7399 0.3406 1.973,
0.8892 0.363 2.014,
-2.033 0 -1.322,
2.033 0 -1.322,
-2.033 1.196 -1.322,
2.033 1.196 -1.322 ]
coordIndex [ 2, 3, 1, -1, 1, 5, 4, -1,
1, 3, 5, -1, 3, 2, 4, -1,
4, 5, 3, -1, 0, 4, 2, -1,
1, 0, 2, -1, 0, 1, 4, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation -1.021 0.01607 0.4184
rotation -0.610897 -0.610897 0.503597 2.209
scale 1.11 1.11 1.11
scaleOrientation -0.527693 0.162798 -0.833689 0.3343
translation -0.00128 3.212 0.6723
rotation 0.0522582 0.0522582 -0.997265 1.574
scale 0.4132 0.6494 1
scaleOrientation 0 -1 0 0.1047
DEF Seagull_Neck-ROOT Transform {
children Shape {
appearance Appearance {
material Material {
diffuseColor 1 1 1
shininess 0.25
transparency 0
geometry DEF Seagull_Neck-FACES IndexedFaceSet {
coord DEF Seagull_Neck-COORD Coordinate {
point [ 0 0 0,
0.1965 0 0,
0.09825 0 -0.1702,
-0.09825 0 -0.1702,
-0.1965 0 0,
-0.09825 0 0.1702,
0.09825 0 0.1702,
0.1965 0.234 0,
0.09825 0.234 -0.1702,
-0.09825 0.234 -0.1702,
-0.1965 0.234 0,
-0.09825 0.234 0.1702,
0.09825 0.234 0.1702,
0 0.234 0 ]
coordIndex [ 0, 2, 1, -1, 0, 3, 2, -1,
0, 4, 3, -1, 0, 5, 4, -1,
0, 6, 5, -1, 0, 1, 6, -1,
1, 8, 7, -1, 1, 2, 8, -1,
2, 9, 8, -1, 2, 3, 9, -1,
3, 10, 9, -1, 3, 4, 10, -1,
4, 11, 10, -1, 4, 5, 11, -1,
5, 12, 11, -1, 5, 6, 12, -1,
6, 7, 12, -1, 6, 1, 7, -1,
13, 7, 8, -1, 13, 8, 9, -1,
13, 9, 10, -1, 13, 10, 11, -1,
13, 11, 12, -1, 13, 12, 7, -1 ]
ccw TRUE
solid TRUE
creaseAngle 3
translation 0.01038 -2.978 0.1783
rotation -0.91916 0.292687 -0.263589 1.55
scale 5.89 9.07 3.748
scaleOrientation -0.179598 -0.982392 -0.0514896 0.568
translation -0.01265 0.06479 0.0434
rotation -0.999749 0.0149807 0.0166408 1.676
scale 0.1698 0.2668 0.1103
translation -0.609 0.001503 -0.1034
rotation -1 0 0 3.142
scale 1 1 1
scaleOrientation 0.151899 0.988396 0 0.264
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-TIMER.fraction_changed TO TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionIn
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_Wake-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_Wake-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_L-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_Thigh_L-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_Thigh_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_leg_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_leg_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_heel_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_heel_L-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_heel_L-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_heel_L-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_leg_L-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_leg_L-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_Thigh_L-POS-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_L-ROOT.set_translation
ROUTE Seagull_Thigh_L-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_L-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_R-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_Thigh_R-POS-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_Thigh_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_leg_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_leg_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-TIMER.fraction_changed TO Seagull_heel_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE TimeSensor_gullswim-SCRIPT.fractionOut TO Seagull_heel_R-ROT-INTERP.set_fraction
ROUTE Seagull_heel_R-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_heel_R-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_leg_R-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_leg_R-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_Thigh_R-POS-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_R-ROOT.set_translation
ROUTE Seagull_Thigh_R-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_Thigh_R-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull-POS-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull-ROOT.set_translation
ROUTE Seagull-ROT-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull-ROOT.set_rotation
ROUTE Seagull_Wake-POS-INTERP.value_changed TO Seagull_Wake-ROOT.set_translation